Human papillomavirus is very common. Seventy people out of a hundred are carriers of the infection, as a result of which neoplasms appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Often the virus affects intimate areas. While the body copes successfully thanks to a strong immune system, many do not even suspect the presence of an infection. However, in a weakened state of the body, the papillomavirus infection passes from a latent state to an active one. Some strains contribute to the development of cancer. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a papilloma virus, you should visit a doctor. Neglected infection requires the use of destructive methods and serious medical treatment.
What is HPV?
If antibodies against HPV are detected in the blood, the doctor will explain what this is. The abbreviation stands for human papillomavirus, another name is human papillomavirus infection. The English name is Human papillomavirus, abbreviated HPV.
It is an infectious disease transmitted through contact. Human papillomaviruses are divided into 27 species and more than 120 strains (or types), among which there are strains with high, medium, low risk of oncogenicity and non-oncogenic types.
What does HPV look like? A person develops skin neoplasms: warts, papillomas, condylomas. This is due to the fact that the DNA of the virus integrates into the DNA of the damaged cell, changing its functions. The process of division is accelerated, outgrowths characteristic of the infection are formed, equipped with blood vessels.
The nature and localization of growths depend on the type of virus that entered the body and the places of damage. Benign neoplasms appear everywhere: in the mouth, nasopharynx, face, neck, armpits, internal and external organs of the genitourinary system. It is possible to get infected even by shaking hands with an infected person, especially if there is damage to the skin.
When infected after sexual contact, the patient may not visually detect neoplasms, but itching, burning and discomfort in the area of the internal genital organs or rectum, mucous membrane or staining are also observed. Such symptoms are typical when papillomas appear on the surface of internal organs.
Where does the human papillomavirus come from?
HPV infection is primarily sexually transmitted, so those who frequently change sexual partners are more likely to become infected. But even with loyalty to one person, if he is a carrier of HPV, there will be a constant internal infection.
There are other reasons for the appearance of papilloma virus. The infection is also transmitted by household means. Viral agents can remain for a long time on wet surfaces in public places, such as swimming pools, saunas, bathrooms, from where they enter the epithelium. And in the presence of microtraumas, they are able to penetrate into the basal layers of the skin.
This viral disease is transmitted to the baby during childbirth from a mother infected with HPV. The possibility of self-infection during shaving and epilation is not excluded.
Virus activation factors
Papillomavirus infection manifests itself in the form of growths in more than 3/5 of the adult population. Observations show that up to 80% of them recover without treatment within a year.
However, for some reason, the human papilloma virus remains in the body and becomes active. The main reason is the weakening of the immune system, due to which the body is unable to fight the virus.
Factors that reduce immune forces include:
- bad habits (alcohol, nicotine, drugs);
- exhaustion as a result of overwork, stress, malnutrition;
- long-term use of certain drugs;
- hormonal changes, including during pregnancy.
What is a dangerous papillomavirus?
At the beginning of the development of the disease, many do not take appropriate measures, not realizing the seriousness of the situation, justifying the lack of time and postponing the visit to the doctor "for later". The consequences come. The virus continues to infect the cells, the growths increase bysize, capture a large area of the skin, in some cases degenerate into oncology. A person begins to be treated when health problems become obvious, but by that time the situation is already very neglected. And all this time he is infected.
Statistics show how dangerous the human papilloma virus is. In medical practice, cervical cancer in the absence of HPV does not occur. In most cases, viruses of the 16th and 18th type are responsible for the development of oncology. But not all strains of HPV cause consequences in the form of malignant tumors.
Often infection with other sexually transmitted diseases occurs at the same time as HPV.
cancer risk
HPV infection is not a death sentence. There are non-oncogenic and oncogenic types of human papillomavirus. There are high (HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 50, 59, 64, 68, 70), medium (HPV 30, 35, 45, 52, 53, 56, 58) and low (HPV 3) groups. , 6 , 11, 13, 32, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 61, 72, 73) cancer risk. Moreover, among strains with high oncogenicity, HPV-16 causes cervical cancer in 50% of cases. Therefore, if the disease is detected, tests are first carried out to determine the strain of the virus.
Effect on pregnancy
Women in a position who have been diagnosed with papillomavirus infection are concerned about the question of whether HPV is dangerous for the child. The virus is not able to penetrate the amniotic fluid and the placenta, so it does not pose a danger to the development of the fetus.
However, during childbirth, the presence of papillomas in the birth canal will lead to certain complications:
- Injury to the growths can lead to heavy bleeding and re-infection of the mother's body.
- In direct contact with papillomas, the child becomes infected, which will subsequently lead to growths in the baby's mouth, larynx or vulva.
Therefore, as a precaution, couples planning pregnancy are advised to get tested for HPV.
Symptoms of papilloma virus and types of rashes
The appearance of warts, papillomas or condylomas on the skin and mucous membranes are external signs of the human papilloma virus.
A wart is a hard, dry skin growth that looks like a nodule the size of a pin head or larger. They are most often found in the area of the palms and feet. The so-called plantar warts appear in places where shoes rub against the skin, especially with excessive sweating. Not all cases are related to HPV infection.
Papillomas (from the Latin papillo - "the nipple") are benign tumors of the skin in the form of a papilla. It forms on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, nasopharynx, and bladder. This is a soft growth on the leg. The color varies from white to brown, but usually the papilloma has the color of the surrounding tissue. Growth is single, sometimes a whole "colony" grows, similar to a cock's comb or cauliflower.
Condylomas are a type of papilloma, divided into flat and genital warts, observed mainly on the genitals, around the anus, on the oral mucosa. In addition, in women, the virus usually manifests itself on the reproductive organs, but anal condylomatosis often develops in men. The appearance of papillomas or warts are clear signs of the papilloma virus.

Symptoms of the human papillomavirus are associated with the appearance of neoplasms and appear within two to three months after infection. If you find them, we recommend that you consult a doctor immediately.
Squamous papillomas usually appear in adolescence. They do not differ in color from the skin, form small groups.
In the case of formation of growths on the surface of internal organs, there are unpleasant sensations of a foreign body, burning and itching, discharge of blood or ichor.
Diagnostic methods
When warts, papillomas or condylomas appear, you should first consult a doctor for a clinical examination. Depending on the location of the growths, it will be a dermatologist, gynecologist, urologist or proctologist. If the presence of human papillomavirus is confirmed, an immunologist will be involved in the treatment process.
Women with cervical (on the neck of the uterus) neoplasms should undergo colposcopy and biopsy to determine the presence of HPV infection. During colposcopy, a test is done with clinical markers - acetic acid or Lugol's solution. Uneven absorption of the solution by the epithelium helps to recognize the human papilloma virus.
Pap smears are taken for cytological examination, through which it is possible to detect atypical cells - regenerated under the influence of the virus, and histological examination. At the same time, a Digene oncogenicity test is performed.
An important role in the diagnosis of HPV is played by the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction), thanks to which the type of virus can be identified.
A blood test is needed to detect other sexually transmitted infections.
How to treat a human papillomavirus infection
How to cure the human papillomavirus in an active stage and, moreover, is it possible to completely cure the papillomavirus? Today, no means have yet been developed to guarantee complete freedom from human papillomavirus infection.
The question arises whether it is necessary to treat HPV and whether it makes sense. Yes, it is necessary. If the human papillomavirus is not treated, it will infect other cells, contributing to the growth of neoplasms. Here is an example of an HPV treatment regimen:
- unwanted growths are removed;
- antiviral drugs, drugs that strengthen the immune system, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed.
Treatment of papillomavirus infection begins with the elimination of the cause of the disease. First of all, a drug is prescribed that does not kill the microbe and does not allow the further spread of the human papilloma virus in the body.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after determining the strain of the virus, taking into account the age and characteristics of the patient's body.
The most effective treatment of the human papillomavirus is carried out with isoprinosine preparations, which block the synthesis of viral DNA.
The treatment of papillomavirus infection with the help of immunomodulators is to strengthen the immune system, since the body's resistance to viruses depends on it. The immunogram helps to prescribe the correct drug treatment, thanks to which the immune status is determined, after which the appropriate drug is selected.
To get rid of the human papillomavirus, interferons, the proteins that cells release in response to the virus's attack, must enter the battlefield. If the body cannot produce them in the required quantity, interferon preparations or interferon inducers are prescribed - substances that stimulate the production of own interferons.
There are drugs that have both antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.
Destructive methods
Treatment of papillomavirus with external manifestations should be treated with destructive methods, that is, the papilloma should be removed, as it is the focus of a viral infection. There are different methods for this:
- the laser is used to vaporize shallow growths, leaving practically no traces;
- the cryodestruction method is used to freeze papillomas;
- the electric knife burns the neoplasm;
- surgery is performed in case of severe overgrowth or suspected cancer.
However, the treatment of papillomavirus does not end there. An integrated pharmacological approach is needed to combat the infection.
Application of local funds
How is the human papilloma virus treated with local remedies? Although this approach has not proven to be very effective, since it is impossible to remove the human papilloma virus from the body in this way, papillomas are still treated with cauterizing and mummifying drugs.
Ointments, gels, sprays and suppositories with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects are used for local application. The best option will help you choose the treating doctor.
How effective the treatment is
Can HPV be cured permanently and is HPV generally curable or not? So far, no tool has been developed to help get rid of the papillomavirus forever. The essence of treatment is to stop the development of the pathology, to save a person from neoplasms that interfere with normal life, and to prevent relapses as much as possible, since the papilloma virus remains in the body.
Experts say that in some cases, patients have been able to defeat the infection completely. This result is influenced by many individual factors, including the general condition of the body.
Prevention of papillomavirus infection
Protection against HPV infection is each person's personal responsibility.
First of all, it is important to have one sexual partner. Using a condom when in contact with a carrier of the virus is often not enough. Studies prove the connection between frequent changes of partners, HPV disease and the development of cervical cancer in women. If infection is found, both sexual partners should be examined and treated to avoid re-infection.
A conscious healthy lifestyle will contribute to the overall strengthening of the body, which will help to cope with the virus.
Papillomavirus infection, the ease of its transmission and spread, the high risk of oncogenicity - all this seriously worries doctors. In 2006, a vaccine against human papillomavirus was developed in America. The vaccine is registered in many countries around the world.
Vaccination protects against HPV 6, 11, 16, 18 - the most oncogenic strains. The course includes three vaccinations. The second is done after two months. Four months later, a third.
A number of studies have shown that the vaccine is almost 100% effective if the person has not been infected with the virus before vaccination. Immunization is carried out for adolescents aged 10-12 years. Vaccination against HPV is a method of prevention, so it is done before the start of sexual life. Once infected, it is ineffective. Also vaccinate adults, but not infected with HPV.